Daily Core Workout to Support your MtF Transition

Building core strength is important to your overall health, but can also be a key part of your transition strategy. Whether you are trying to accentuate your breasts by pulling in your tummy, or controlling your mid-section for a smaller waist, core exercises will make you feel more feminine and happier about your body.

Best of all, a good core workout can be done in 15 minutes a day or less. If you’re just getting started, take it slow and build up the time required for each exercise so you give your body time to recover and grow.

I’ve used these exercises to good effect in my own transition; they’ve helped me manage my natural Android fat distribution around my tummy and added definition to my waist.

Here’s the basic routine. I’ve included YouTube videos for the exercises for reference in case you’re not familiar. Spend anywhere from 15 to 45 seconds on each exercise, then rest for 30 to 60 seconds, the move onto the next one. For an added workout, repeat the entire set 2 or 3 times, or add dumbbells for extra resistance.

  1. Plank to downward dog. This is a basic warm up exercise that will also help to build out your core abs.

  2. Side arm twist and reach. Works your obliques and hip flexors, while also increasing mobility in your shoulders and back.

  3. ITYs (can do on the floor without the yoga ball). Great for mobility and posture, especially for those who use computers all day long!

  4. Hip Thrusters. Works your glutes and ham strings to make your butt bigger.

  5. Bicycle crunch. Engages your core abdominal muscles and builds coordination.

  6. Forward Lunge. Works your glutes and quads.

  7. Chair Squat. The best exercise for building a bigger butt.

What exercises do you do to improve your figure or health and well-being?


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